• +1-614-580-1319
  • cindy@cswfarms.com

Who We Serve

Who We Serve


Military Personnel

Pets are sources of comfort providing strong emotional support: 98% of Americans consider pets to be companions or members of the family.  When military service members prepare for deployment, they’re not only faced with the many challenges of leaving, but also making preparations for their pets.  Many service members look to those close to them – friends,family,roommates and neighbors – to help in a deployment situation without giving sufficient thought to the responsibilities associated with caring for someone else’s pet. While hard to believe, some sell, give away or surrender a pet entrusted to their care – without the knowledge or consent of the deployed service member. 

    No pet should ever be surrendered to a shelter because of a military commitment.  At CSW Farms Foundation, we want to provide a alternative solution.  Our mission is to provide a means of keeping families together and we believe our pets are a part of our family.  We are not a rescue or a boarding kennel.  We provide temporary and lifelong care for pets in a no-cages environment with 24-hour care.  Knowing that CSW Farms Foundation is available for pets to be cared for and loved for during difficult situations gives pet parents a peace of mind and sense of relief that is simply immeasurable.

